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markgraf istria bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "markgraf istria"
  • Otto succeeded his father as Duke of Dalmatia, and Henry became Margrave of Istria.
    Otto menggantikan ayahandanya sebagai Adipati Dalmasia, dan Henryk menjadi Markgraf Istria.
  • 1159 – 12 August 1204), a member of the House of Andechs, was Margrave of Istria and Carniola (as Berthold II).
    1159 – 12 Agustus 1204), merupakan seorang Markgraf Istria dan Krain (sebagai Berthold II).
  • 1174 – October 1243) was one of eight children born to Berthold IV, Duke of Merania, Count of Dießen-Andechs and Margrave of Istria.
    1174 – Oktober 1243) adalah salah satu dari delapan anak Berthold IV, Adipati Merania, Comte Diesen-Andechs dan Markgraf Istria.
  • In 1173, he was appointed Margrave of Istria, succeeding Engelbert III, the last Margrave from the House of Sponheim and cousin of his mother Sophia.
    Pada tahun 1173, ia dinobatkan sebagai Markgraf Istria, menggantikan Engelbert III, Markgraf terakhir dari Wangsa Spanheim dan sepupu ibundanya Sophia.
  • Queen Gertrude's two brothers, Ekbert, Bishop of Bamberg, and Henry II, Margrave of Istria, fled to Hungary in 1208 after they were accused of participating in the murder of Philip, King of the Germans.
    Dua saudara Ratu Gertrud, Ekbert, Uskup Agung Bamberg, dan Heinrich II, Markgraf Istria, melarikan diri ke Hongaria pada tahun 1208 setelah mereka dituduh berkomplot di dalam pembunuhan Philipp, Raja Jerman.